Barney Campbell Tjakamarra
Born: c 1928
Died: 2006
Language: Pintupi / Luritja
Country: Amundurrngu, Northern Territory
Barney Campbell Tjakamarra was of the Ngaayatjarra language group and was a proud Pintupi, was born circa 1928 at Kaylilwarra (south of Warburton in Western Australia’s Gibson Desert and was a highly respected Law Man. Barney Campbell was a highly revered elder and his Country was around Karrikurritinytja (Lake MacDonald) around the Kintore vicinity in the Northern Territory (near the Western Australian border).
Barney Campbell painted the Tingari Cycle which were creation stories of the journey of Celestial Ancestors travelling across the land in the Tjukurrpa (Dreamtime) creating sacred sites and beings and teaching Cultural Law.
Whilst painting in Tingari Arts Barney Campbell would sing in language to the Ancestors whose travels are treasured in the Songlines.
Collections include:
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Art Gallery of Western Australia
National Gallery of Victoria
Art Gallery of South Australia